Friday, January 19, 2007


In the 'middle of nowhere' Nevada
Where the world extends to the horizon
There is an unspoken beauty
That nobody has yet marketed

The secret value is not shared
With those that fail to value anything
That they can not exploit
Or carry away

In this inhospitable garden
The delights, although remarkable
Are only available to those searching
For no reward

If there are distractions
That remind you of
Another life, another time
Then looking further means looking away

Nothing much happens here except
a rush of people going somewhere else
Not much has changed here except
Man has lost touch with its beauty

Casinos and whore houses
Now lure gold diggers
As Borros claim the wilderness
Abandoned by miners and prospectors

Here there is no outside news to fear
There is nothing to do that can't wait
Here the rhythms of each day
Shower an indifferent land

Here time is not measured
By the clock or by appointments
A refreshing prospective, like the first time
I held my tongue out to catch snow

For some it is the rebirth of thinking
About your life outside the rhythm of your life
For others it is the rebirth of wonder
About the timeless cycles of life and death

For me, no clock can erase
The memory of these moments
Time has witnessed this land for too long
To allow my life significance

The brief moments that I feel connected
To a world beyond my reach
Are these times that I connect to the ticking
That keeps time of eternity

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